At Decisionics, we (I) develop novel sensing devices and materials, (II) adapt and integrate commercially available sensors to create smart systems, and (III) develop decision-making frameworks to translate data collected from sensors into efficient remedial and functional strategies for engineering structures.


December 2024:

Congratulations to Arman on his latest publication! The paper explores the application DecisioNova in electrical impedance tomography (EIT), specifically for EIT-based robotic skin. Check it out here:​

June 2024:

Congratulations to Ariana for defending her PhD!

May 2024:

Fae and Clara attended Dynamic Walking in Pensacola, Florida.

Congratulations to Amin and Arman for presenting at CSME 2024!

April 2023:

Arman and Clara presented at the ISPO World Congress in sunny Guadalajara, Mexico!